Oct 15, 2019
If you want to connect with Dave, download his Ebook and Audiobook for FREE and then schedule your free strategy call to help you get started. Just go to www.911WealthNetwork.com ALSO, If you like this content, please Subscribe, Rate and Review on iTunes/ApplePodcasts
In this episode, you’ll find out what you can expect at the
Wealth Hacker Conference put on by Erwin Szeto and his wife Cherry
Chan this November 9th, 2019. Erwin also talks about his newfound
love for investing in stock options, and how simple it can be –
even for the most conservative at heart.
**If you want a discount for Tickets to the Wealth Hacker
Conference November 9th Use This Promo Code: 911WEALTHNETWORK for
your discount – just go to www.WealthHacker.ca
Here is a sneak peak at the experts and the secrets they are sharing on November 9th: