Preview Mode Links will not work in preview mode Founder and Host, Dave Knight is a full time Police Officer who outside the workplace has been able to grow a multi-million dollar rental income portfolio.

First Responders Wealth Network Podcast was created to help ALL First Responders become educated and exposed to the possibilities of real estate investing, the strategies used to grow your wealth, and to stop relying on your paycheque and pensions alone.

Top millionaire investors, industry leading professionals, and success stories from other First Responder investors throughout Canada and United States are showcased weekly to share their journey and lessons learned.

Dave’s mission is to help educate, inspire to take action, create a network, and change ALL first responders mindset on how they approach their financial future or retirement. #911WealthNetwork 

Oct 23, 2021

Through the mastermind's techniques and experiences, real estate masterminds have been known to help investors quadruple or treble their firms. It will not only transform your business but will also assist you in forming relationships that will help you close more sales in the future.


You may or may not agree, but...

Oct 10, 2021

Contractors and building your power team is the key to scaling, especially if you’re still working full time. You can’t do it all, and today’s guest will explain just that, plus break down how. Check it out!

In today’s episode, we will be joined by Jon TenBrinke. After graduating, he began his apprenticeship,...

Oct 2, 2021

When making a choice, there are several factors to consider. It is vital to have the ability to make decisions. We are deprived of our natural rights when we are denied the ability to choose. The most important thing we can do is fight for our rights. The other part is that we should demand our rights and understand how...